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What is Osteopathy? Osteopathy is a complete care health profession that specializes in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system as a means to restore health and to promote wellness. Osteopaths use a combination of manual techniques (Soft Tissue Therapy, Muscle Energy Techniques, Joint Mobilization, Myofascial Release, and physical modalities (Thermal/Cold Therapy, Ultrasound Therapy) in order to bring the body back to a cohesive whole.
What are the two branches of Osteopathy? Two branches of Osteopathy (Osteopathic Medicine & Osteopathic Manual Therapy) emerged when Dr. John Martin Littlejohn, a student of Dr. Still, founded the British School of Osteopathy in London in 1917, and subsequently the Journal of Osteopathy, which is seen to be the laying down of the scientific foundations for Osteopathy in Europe. Other persons such as Paul Gény a physiotherapist, teamed up with an English osteopath named Thomas G. Dummer, and founded the l’École française d’Ostéopathie. Their aim was to provide non-doctors the opportunity to learn osteopathic techniques. These two distinguished gentlemen are credited for advancing what is now known as European-style Osteopathy throughout Europe, Asia, Canada, and many other countries throughout the world. What type of training program in Osteopathy does CNHS-BDA offer? CNHS-BDA offers training in European-style Osteopathy by way of an integrated format which combines e-learning with practical training. At the completion of the program students earn a Master of Science degree in Osteopathy. |
What is Naturopathy? Naturopathy is a holistic system of healing in which different natural methods are administered to promote health and restoration within the body. Naturopathy treats the person as a whole by using treatments that place emphasis on using the body's self-healing mechanisms to keep the body in harmony with nature. The naturopath tries to balance the diseased person, regardless of what the person suffers from, as in conditions that might be otherwise labeled in conventional terms as specific diseases. Although the term 'Naturopathy' has been coined in recent years, its basis and many of the methods used in treatment are more than 2,000 years old, causing many to posit that when life began so did Naturopathy.
What are the three main Naturopathic Personnel Classifications? Naturopathic personnel consist of three classifications: Naturopathic Physicians, Naturopathic Doctors and Certified Naturopaths/Naturopathic Therapists. What type of training program in Naturopathy does CNHS-BDA offer? CNHS-BDA offers training in Naturopathic Therapies by way of an integrated format which combines e-learning with practical training. At the completion of the program students earn a Master of Science degree in Natural Health Therapies. |
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